
Trader Joe’s has blessed us with an abundance of food

New Volunteer Opportunties

Trader Joe’s has blessed us with an abundance of food that now requires more workers to sort. Three older volunteers can no longer handle the demands of packing food boxes on busy days. Parking attendants are needed to direct guests where to park as parking space is very limited.

Please direct any prospective volunteers to Rita, whose information is below.

If you are interested in applying for a position, please contact Rita at 541-447-7662.

Pantry News, Emergency Services, Donations Needed, and more!

Pantry News, Emergency Services, Donations Needed, and more!

Winter Newsletter

Pantry business doubled last year (Figure 1) which put a huge strain on us as well as our primary suppliers, Oregon Food Bank and Neighbor Impact. We now spend $3,500 a month for eggs, milk, meat, and canned fruit which we used to get for free. In addition to food donated by local groceries, we pick up 3 loads a week from Trader Joe’s who recently designated us as one of three Neighborhood Share Partners.

Emergency Services are in high demand as families struggle with rising housing and food costs.  We helped 320 households with 492 adults and 386 children last calendar year at a cost of $141,700 (Table 1).  Single parent households received the most help (Figure 2).  Helping families stay in their homes was the greatest need (Figure 3).  The extraordinary support we were able to provide last calendar was made possible by a very generous donation from an individual who was impressed by the friendliness of Prineville people and wanted to share the blessings he had received.

Donations Needed

The Pantry food budget is fully funded, however our emergency help fund will be exhausted by the end of March without additional donations.  Please consider increasing your donation or starting a monthly donation through our web site.  Your support is critical to our operation as we rely totally on donations.  We are all volunteers.  There is no paid staff.  Your donation is spent locally to support your neighbor in need.  Please help us continue our ministry.

Volunteers Wanted

Are you looking for a rewarding ministry serving others for 3 hours a week?  Volunteers welcome guests, assist them with food selections, restock pantry shelves, pick up and deliver food, answer phones, etc.  Please call 458-231-7184 if you are interested in volunteering.

December 2021 – Newsletter

December 2021 – Newsletter

St Vincent News

St. Vincent News

Autumn is my favorite season. I love the cooler temperatures, the beautiful fall colors, and the leaves that decorate our pantry hallway carpet. Autumn is also harvest time and a time to give thanks for bountiful blessings. I am thankful for our generous donors who make it possible for us to operate the food pantry and provide emergency services to those in need. I am also grateful to our many dedicated volunteers who work joyfully and at some risk to themselves serving others.

Our pantry guests are thankful they can once again choose the food they desire. At the start of the pandemic, we closed our shopping-style pantry and switched to giving out standard food boxes with only a few guest choices. Now that our staff are vaccinated and have some protection, guests are again welcomed into our pantry waiting room where they mark what they want, and their food boxes are packed while they wait.

Hunger Prevention Coalition of Bend gave us a generous donation along with a challenge to improve the nutritional value of our food offerings. We responded by procuring meat from the 1017 Project and  purchasing canned vegetables, eggs, soups, and milk when they aren’t available from our regional food bank operated by Neighbor Impact in Redmond. I am grateful for the weekly donations of food we receive from our local grocers, the produce donated by local gardeners this past season, and the generous donation from patrons of Grocery Outlet’s “End Hunger” campaign.

I am proud of the vital role we play helping folks in emergency situations who don’t qualify for government programs or whose urgency demands immediate assistance. We are the backup for those who are one paycheck away from homeless. Our top priority is helping families stay in their homes by assisting them with rent and utility payments. Another top priority is providing temporary shelter to those experiencing domestic abuse, eviction, or other loss of home when homeless shelters aren’t appropriate or don’t have space.

I am thankful for the collaborative ministry we share with nine local churches who refer people in need to us and supported us with over $16,000 in donations this past fiscal year. I pray that you also have much to be thankful for this fall season.

Click to view entire newsletter below:

Click to View Newsletter
Click to View Newsletter

Central Oregonian Feature Article – Meeting the Need

Stepping up when the need is great

Ramona McCallister, December 08, 2020 (Central Oregonian)

One of Crook County's most important points of contact for folks who need food or housing assistance has seen a sharp increase in those needs this past year.

To say there has been an increase in need is a gross understatement, and for President of St. Vincent de Paul of Crook County, Charlie Kurtz, the need to become creative and problem solve is equally as important.

St. Vincent de Paul provides a food pantry for low-income individuals as well as emergency help for those needing temporary assistance.

Sharp increase in housing assistance during COVID

"One of the biggest things that has changed is what we call emergency help," commented Kurtz of the increase in need.

St. Vincent de Paul provides emergency help to low-income individuals needing temporary financial assistance with housing, emergency shelter, transportation or other needs. Last fiscal year, they assisted 166 adults and 161 children with $38,800 in financial aid. The demand for housing assistance increased from 70% the previous year to 84% this past year.

"Requests for emergency help increased dramatically due to the impact of COVID and the loss of jobs supporting low-income workers," pointed out Kurtz.

He said that up to one year ago, they averaged approximately $2,000 per month, except for a spike around Christmas. Now, they are up to $10,000 per month.

"This last year, ending September 30, we spent about $39,000 in emergency help, and 84% of it was housing—rent and utilities."

In October and November, they worked with the city to pay water bills for residents who were behind on their water bills. In October alone, they spent $12,600 in emergency help. City water bills accounted for $3,400 of the total, as the city started shutting off water to customers who were behind in their payments.

"The city sent us $8,000 in COVID relief funds and told their delinquent customers to come to us for assistance," added Kurtz. "We've paid the city $10,020 to get water services restored from September 1 to date."

Kurtz indicated that his concern now is keeping people in their homes – especially with the rent moratorium expiring the end of December.

"We work in partnership with NeighborImpact on rent and utility assistance," he said. "We ask folks to seek help from NeighborImpact first. NeighborImpact refers clients to us that don't meet the specific program requirements they administer."

Food pantry and volunteers

St, Vincent de Paul operates a food pantry that provided food to 700 low-income individuals last month. For the fiscal year just finished, they served 2,812 households with 7,154 individuals with enough food for five days, which equals 107,000 meals.

Households are eligible for food every two weeks. They receive non-perishable food weighing 40 pounds or more, based on the number of people in the household, plus two kinds of meat, eggs, milk and fruit, depending on availability.

"Guests enter a drive-thru in the parking lot at 1103 NE Elm St.," said Kurtz. "They are asked to stay in their car and wear face masks. A volunteer takes their information and posts it on a sticky note on their car's windshield. Three volunteers load their vehicle with food."

St. Vincent is able to provide their services with the help of generous volunteers in the community. Volunteers were designated as "essential workers" by the State of Oregon at the start of the pandemic. Many of their older volunteers stepped back, but younger volunteers stepped forward to fill the vacancies.

"We average 36 volunteers a month, who collectively worked 8,400 hours and donated 30,000 miles commuting to the pantry for work this past year," Kurtz said of his volunteers. "Volunteers are asked to commit to two to four hours a day, once a week. We could use a few strong volunteers to unload and stock 4,000 pounds of food each Monday. Please call our office if you are interested in helping."

He said that some of their best volunteers came to help because of their need to perform community service. They have several volunteers with physical or mental challenges who find a rewarding experience helping unload, sort or distribute food. These individuals are fortunate to have a friend or family member work alongside them.

Volunteers have also been instrumental in helping reach underserved folks in Crook County. At the urging of Virginia Hilderbrand, one of their board members, they started a mobile pantry outreach to RV or trailer parks in the Crook County area, delivering food boxes to people in need who did not drive or were afraid to visit their food pantry for fear that any help they might receive would be used against their application for permanent resident status.

Hilderbrand knows many underserved people in Prineville, and Kurtz said that she has routinely taken food to folks in several trailer parks in Prineville.

"She raised our awareness that many of these folks lost work because of COVID and weren't eligible for federal relief benefits or workman's compensation. At her urging, we started our Mobile Pantry outreach."

Hilderbrand is a graduate of University of Autonomy of Mexico, with a 1987 degree in surgery. She has been a St. Vincent de Paul volunteer since 2006.

"She feels strongly in helping those in need and has been a great motivator," said Kurtz. "We visited 10 parks, the most distant were Sun Rocks RV and Juniper Grove," Kurtz pointed out. "Visits dropped to once a month after school started. We plan to increase the visits to every two weeks."

In spite of increases in demand for services at the local SVDP, they paid forward to the St. Vincent de Paul Rogue Valley Council of Medford for people made homeless by the Almeda fire. Rogue Valley requested "twinning" donations from other Vincentians to purchase tiny houses to be set up in their parking lot to house some of the people made homeless by the Almeda fire.

"We received a $5,000 donation from the Bend SVDP Conference last year when we started back up and decided to pay the same amount forward to Rogue Valley Council," noted Kurtz.

Kurtz reported that the 2021 Business Plan for St. Vincent projects total expenses of $134,000, almost double last year's plan of $70,000. Demand for emergency help is expected to increase to $78,600: $10,000 per month for six months followed by $2,000 per month, as the effects brought on by COVID will hopefully subside. $6,600 is allocated to Redemption House Ministries to support the full-time operation of the women's shelter, which is a resource to direct women who come to St. Vincent de Paul seeking emergency shelter.

"The growth of our business plan was made possible, in part, due to the generosity of last year's donors, which enabled us to carry forward a balance of $44,530," stressed Kurtz. "We pray that our donors will continue their generosity in the coming year."

“Meat the Need” Benefits St. Vincent de Paul

500 Pounds of Beef to Support Our Community

This 2020 year has been especially hard on families who are suffering physical and economic hardship, and so we are profoundly grateful for the generous gift donated by the High Desert Livestock 4H Club.

As part of the Club’s “Meat the Need” community service project, SVdP received a black angus steer raised by Saul Nunez. The Club partnered with Quail Valley Angus Ranch & Butcher Boys which allowed our organization to have 500 pounds of ready-to-give cut and wrapped packages of prime beef.

The High Desert Livestock 4H Club is led by Dennis Hilderbrand and Mark & Casey McKinnon. The 4-H members are shown below (from L-R): Michael McKinnon, Ira McKinnon, Grace Flitner, Joann McKinnon, Jenny McKinnon, Easton Perrin, Cash Wells, Saul Nunez, Paisley Wood, Nehemiah Becker, Taylor Eschevarria and Seth Smith.

This “Meat the Need” 2020 project did exactly that and many in our community are grateful!