Guest Choice Food Pantry
Our Location: 937 NW Madras Hwy., Prineville
Welcome to our USDA pantry where you choose what you want from a menu of available foods that is updated daily. Please fill out the menu and wait in your car while your food box is being packed. Please allow about 30 minutes from start to finish.
You are eligible to receive USDA food if you are currently participating in the Food Stamp Program (SNAP), TANIF, SSI, or LIHEAP or your household income is at or below the eligible income levels below.
You are eligible to receive food every two weeks from our Pantry.
The Pantry is open 3 days a week:
- Tuesday, 12:00 -3:00 PM
- Wednesday, 4:00 -6:00 PM
- Thursday, 12:00 -3:00 PM
- Closed on major holidays and two weeks at Christmas.
We look forward to serving you.