We very much appreciate the financial support donors have provided St. Vincent de Paul of Crook County during the Pandemic. These donations have allowed volunteers and volunteer staff to stay focused on helping those in need.
Food Pantry business jumped in March, serving over 1,000 household members as the Pandemic shutdown hit home. However, as federal benefits flowed in, visits to the food pantry dropped off, declining to their lowest in May.
Inspired by Virginia Hilderbrand, a Board Member, we started delivering food directly to residents of local mobile home parks, starting the end of May. Many were either not aware of our services or afraid to access them. We are now back to providing food to over 1,000 people per month. We have traveled to 7 mobile parks and plan to visit several more.
Demand for Emergency Services was highest in December and January, then trended down to very little in April. Starting in May, demand picked up, and where it goes will depend on continuing federal and state benefits. We work to fill gaps in rent relief not covered by State grants administered by Neighbor Impact. Those seeking temporary shelter are mostly fleeing domestic violence. We served 37 adults and 20 children in May and June. We allocate $2,000 per month for Emergency Services. When demand exceeds that amount, we are spending cash reserves or unexpected donations such as yours.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Charles H Kurtz